

Action Archive is a collection of actions for Svelte aimed to reduce the amount of boilerplate throughout projects.


  • - Awesome Actions
  • - Consistent API
  • - Full Typesafety
  • - Fully Treeshakable
  • - Incredibly Lightweight (1.6kb minified + gzipped)


When using Svelte you can use this powerful thing called Actions, they are functions that you can attach to any dom element that can change their behavior. This is great for multiple reasons that the Svelte documentation explains better than I can. However, some actions are used so often that it can be a pain to write them over and over again. That's where Action Archive comes in, it's a collection of actions that you can use in your projects, they are consistent and easy to use.

Design Choice

Action Archive uses a specific naming convention for custom events (aa_<event>), and, although some may find this ugly and/or verbose, this prevents Action Archive events from conflicting with native DOM events.


Credits to both Skeleton and Melt as they inspired some of the featured actions. - Skeleton - Melt

Fun fact: This website was built with Melt!